Make Seamless Payments

Salary Payments in One Click 

Enjoy the convenience of real time bulk payments in your organization, including micro payments to groups of banked or unbanked individuals at the click of a button.

This platform is ideal for businesses that make frequent transfers, including micro payments, to banked or unbanked individuals located in different parts of the country.
Helping Businesses Grow

Bulk Payments Service allows for:

Claim settlement payments by insurance companies  

Salary disbursement from organizations 

Promotional payments 

Payment of supplies, petty cash and daily wages

Disbursement of various project funds 

Dividend payments 

Enjoy the following benefits with Bulk Payments Service: 

  • Convenience from cash transfers to individuals anytime, anywhere, at the click of a button. 
  • Scheduled payments such as salaries, that the system will automatically disburse at specified times. 
  • Security and assurance of payments with approval controls. Funds only leave after authorized approvals. 
  • Cost saving from making bulk transfers and micro payments at low costs.
  • Free time and energy that can be focused on pursuing new opportunities for growth.